Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Aid For Friends

Hands of Grace is teaming up with Aid for Friends to prepare for the fast approaching winter season of cold temperatures and wet weather.

Winter in Idaho is a very difficult time of year for those who may not have a warm home to sleep in each night. Aid for Friends is a homeless shelter in Pocatello, Idaho that offers a warm meal and a bed for as many individuals as possible. Often times, many in need have to be turned away once the shelter has reached maximum occupancy. The individuals who are turned away are faced with the very high possibility of spending the night in a cold vehicle or on the ice-covered street in temperatures that can dip below zero degrees.

Though Aid for Friends is grateful for any donations throughout the year, they have placed top priority on winter clothing items as they prepare for the cold winter months ahead.

At this time, Hands of Grace is gathering any winter clothing items that may help ease the cold temperatures in any way on behalf of Aid for Friends.

Items In High Demand:
(In Men, Women, or Children Sizes)
Sleeping Bags
Hands of Grace will be placing a donation bin at the registration table at the Monster Dash Fun Run on October 30 in Rexburg at Smith Park. We will be accepting donations of any items listed above. New or used, as long as they are in good condition.
Let's work together and help Aid for Friends care for those who may be facing the cold winter months without a home of their own.
Thank you all for your help and support!